I love getting lost in a fictional story, I love reading and meditating and applying Godly wisdom found in books pertaining to marriage, parenting, motherhood, and missions. And now that the weather has turned chilly, I often look forward to getting into my comfy pants (I know you have pair too), heating up my rice bag, making my favorite cup of tea (Typhoo!) and curling up with a good book. I am always looking for recommendations and I love recommending books to others--with a disclaimer that just because I liked it, doesn't mean they will! :)
Here is a list of the books that I currently have in my bedside table:
The Daily Bible - In chronological Order 365 Daily Readings (NIV)
~with devotional insights to guide you through God's word
Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World - Joanna Weaver
~Finding Intimacy with God in the busyness of life
~What it really means to be a Godly wife
How to work in someone else's country - Ruth Stark
~Practical Advice rooted in real experience for those working abroad
Treasuring God in our Traditions - Noël Piper
~Traditions and everyday patterns to pass onto our children which cultivate a love for God
Don't make me count to three - Ginger Plowman
~A Mom's look at heart-oriented discipline
Rebel with a cause - Franklin Graham
~An autobiography
Shepherding a Child's Heart - Tedd Trip (I am re-reading this one....sooo good!)
~Provides perspectives and procedures for speaking to the heart of your child in discipline
The 5 love languages of Children - Gary Chapman and Ross Campbell
~Learn the best 'language' through which your child receives and expresses love
Love amid the Ashes - Mesa Andrews
~The story of Job told through the eyes of the women who loved him
(I just finished this book yesterday....this was one of those books that I had to finish before reading anything else...I couldn't put it down!)
What are some books are on your 'list'? Any favorites you could recommend?
ps. Great prices and free shipping at www.bookdepository.com